This shocking #photography was obtained from #Montana (#USA) over 17 minutes. It reveals the crazy number of #satellites orbiting the #Earth. Most of them are #StarLink (from #SpaceX / #Musk) and aim at providing internet to some remote places.
StarLink is not the only project for space-based #internet: there are also #Kuiper (#Amazon), #oneWeb, #Iris2 (@EU_Commission), etc... which will send even more satellites into #space
Credits: Matt C. Jackson
I was quite lucky this week, few nights with clear skies and I was able to complete 6 hours of IC1318 and NGC6888 aka Butterfly and Crescent Nebulas respectively. I think I finally nailed down whole process, it appears that on many subjects 6 hours is enough of the data for me to work with and get a descent pictures. Shot with Canon T3i, 135mm F/2.8 lens ISO 1600 and L-Enhance filter. I am still learning tricks around processing that data, this was a second try. #astrophography #astropic
Just finisher Cygnus Loop project. This is supernova remnant, it's believed that at the time of explosion it could have been seen from Earth in a broad daylight, so powerful it was. It's consist of West and East Veil nebulas and few other pieces. Sh2-103 Cygnus Loop/Veil Nebula shot with Canon T3i, 135 mm, F/2.8, ISO 1600, L-Enhance filter. It's about 6 hours of total integration time. I've used dark frames in that one and not entirely sure if I like it. #astropic
I have recently combined 4 and 2 hours integrations and got results which I am proud of. It's been a long journey with a lot of learning, I think I know what I am doing now, though there is still a lot to learn. Posting my "before" and "after" pictures, first one I took with 50mm lens last year and second with 135mm this year after learning journey and adding equipment, both pictures are from the same location, Bortle 7 sky. #astropic #astrophotography
I finally had clear skies and pulled 4 hours image of North America and Pelican Nebulas. Just a bit of processing. I am happy with over all results, I know I can learn bit more on processing side. Shot from Bortle 7 sky, with Canon T3i, 135mm, F/2.8, ISO 1600. #astropic
It looks like .@Siril_Official site is up and running again!
@sergey compare this to my very first attempt to capture the same target, even though yesterday's picture is bit noisy but you can actually see those nebulas. Here is picture from last year, it's been fun journey so far.
Life is a long educational journey, there is always to learn something if you are interested of course. I recently got L-Enhance filter for my #astrophotography hobby, so learning to use it. Unfortunately we have not had much clear skies time, when it looked like a clear you can see haze in pictures. Here is image of a target I started my journey with it's North America and Pelican nebulas, shot with Cannon T3i, 135mm, F/2.8, ISO 1600, L-Enhance filter from B7-8 sky, about 2 hours. #astropic
Interesting statistic, and it looks like it's just a beginning.
Please consider signing the petition to protect astro research
We finally got some clear skies, but it was 47% of the moon and my favorite part of the sky still low for B7-8 skies and regular DSLR with no filters or mods. This is quick and dirty processing of just an hour of total integration time. IC1318 in constellation Cygnus aka Gamma Gygni Nebula sometimes called Buttefly Nebula. Canon T3i, 135mm f/2.8, ISO 100 with 69 minutes of total integration time. Not APOD worthy, but I can clearly see improvements I made after starting last August. #astropic
"Mercenaries..are useless & dangerous; if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious & without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies..The mercenary captains are either capable men or they are not; if they are, you cannot trust them..they always aspire to their own oppressing you, who are their master.." --Niccolò Machiavelli, "The Prince," (c. 1513) Ch. 12
Learning is always good. There was a day with clear skies, so I've decided to take a shot of a new object on my astrophotography journey. it's IC4592 aka Blue Horse Head Nebula. However I have not done enough research about the fact how dim it is, and that I should not be shooting it from Bortle 8 sky, I've learned that afterwards after spending time to process it. Also my roof was in the way, I had to delete some shots. Shot with Canon T3i, 135mm F/2.8 lens, ISO 100 1 hour total int. #astropic
@sergey Lastly while in Tucson we've visited Saguaro National Park and learned a lot about cactuses, apparently first flowers appear around age of 30 years and first branch would grow only at 75 years. That's crazy how old those things are.
@sergey Our third stop was in Tucson, AZ. We’ve rented a house with “million dollar view” and apparently advertisement didn’t lie view was really magnificent. You can sit and relax looking at those mountains covered in cactuses. One day we've got an interesting visitor who performed a little dance for us.