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Went to see the Scorpions yesterday. Awesome experience, the only regret is the venue, American Airlines Center in Dallas does not have proper acoustic.

Fun fact, I ran out of space trying to process 9GB of astro images with just 81GB of empty space.

Apparently according to it was class 7 which is worse for taking pictures.

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Results of last night: Andromeda Galaxy and Pelican Nebula. Shot with camera, tripod and 50mm lens in light pollution class 6.

I finally shot flats, today's targets were Andromeda Galaxy and North America Nebula. I shot those with just 50mm lens and tripod, have no idea if I got anything, but I shot flats :)

My attempt to take flats had failed miserably, so here is my attempt to take Milky Way core with a kit lens and no flats. Picture is imperfect, but I am learning.

Here is another attempt from backyard, which is class 6 light pollution.

Second attempt, trying to capture Milky Way core, unfortunately it's visible towards South and so is Dallas, thus light pollution getting in a way, I think I am on the right track.

My very first attempt at with what I had home, just DSLR with default lens

I got it for 3.99. Today is the first day when price for a gallon fell under $4. Time to celebrate?

Я проснулся от грохота сковородок, первая мысль ну что там ещё, спустился вниз и обнаружил оладушки, которые дети приготовили, самостоятельно без родителей. Класс! Завтрак перед работой и его не надо было готовить. Горжусь этими малышами. I woke up from the loud sounds in the kitchen, I walked downstairs and found kids who made pancakes for breakfast, this is just awesome proud of my little ones.

Duct tape is truly universal and very versatile tool. Formula 1 car with broken spoiler had been fixed by duct tape and was able to actually finish remaining 12 laps. Even though FIA may not appreciate that one.

What can be better that some one calls you "Best dad ever!" just because it's one of those weekends when you decide to make some waffles. Though I had little helpers delivering it.

Still last Sunday people went out on a protests all across the country using so called referendum as an excuse to gather in a single place and started chanting "No more war" and around 500 people were detained again. So my point that people of Belarus are in full support of Ukraine and condemn actions of illegitimate regime who collaborated with aggressor. Also 65% that dictator claims from referendum is an entirely fake count.

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These days you can hear appeals to Belarusian people, however those aren't unfair. People of Belarus leaved under literal occupation by a illegitimate regime for last 2 years. Here are just few stats given that total population of Belarus is 9 millions: since 2020 there were 33k people detained, only about 100 got warnings, rest were jailed on a "short" sentences up to a few hundred days, 1832 people convicted for a longer often multiyear sentences, 1077 still political prisoners to date...

Sergey S. boosted

We've discovered that users in Kazakhstan can circumvent internet shutdowns and censorship by using a specific Tor bridge. Follow our user guide, get a bridge, and avoid shutdowns today and tomorrow. #keepiton

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