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Sergey S. boosted

RT @0xgaut
Microsoft released copilot in Excel, and it is officially caught up with Google on the AI race.

Fantastic to watch.

Sergey S. boosted

From the last few days, it seems that the only new feature of Siril is the addition of StarNet.
There is much more than that! Take a look at our changelog.
Your star FWHM should be 8% smaller with this version too.

#Astrophotography #opensource #freeastro

@Siril_Official That is feature jammed release! THANK YOU! especially for StarNet integration!

Sergey S. boosted

Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to the new major version of Siril: Siril v1.2.0-beta1.

This version contains too many changes for us to explain everything in the release note.

Have a look here:

There was glimpse of clear sky yesterday and I've decided to spend some time, taking 3 subjects in one shot: Monkey Head Nebula (NGC 2174), Jelly Fish Nebula (IC 443) and M35 star cluster from my Bortle 8. They form a triangle on this picture. This is first rough draft shot with Canon T3i, 135mm, 50 min total integration.

@spacegeck hmm that's quite amazing, I often use GMIC on my starless images to reduce noise, never thought you can smooth out banding problems. Care to share your command line params or GMIC settings and a filter?

It's hard to appreciate the beauty of a place until you get there, Grand Turk is amazing and I can confirm that, we were there last week. I have tested my phone under water, in an enclosure of course.

Given all the talks about balloons and other unknown objects being shoot down over US air space, here is something I've spotted back in September past year. What that is? I've dismissed it as balloon carried out by wind, however it hovered for a while in one spot and disappeared quite fast, so I have no idea what it was.

@thomasfuchs What was a focal length? Just trying to understand perspective.

It's been a n interesting challenge to hunt C/2023 E3 ZTF comet, especially with the weather here lately. This was my first attempt to shoot and process comet and to make matters worse it was quite rainy on days when it was closest. First day I miscalculated position completely and missed it, second day I was closer catching it on the edge on my frame, third day was a charm perfectly centered as it was aligned with Capella. Shot with Canon EOS T3i, 135mm, F4 , 83min(int. time).

I was fascinated by an astronomy back in my the high school-ish years, I recall my excitement when Hale-Bopp comet visited us, fast forward several decades and 6 month ago I revived all of these long forgotten knowledge into my new hobby astrophotography and now chasing another comet.

Sergey S. boosted

NGC 2626 along the Vela Molecular Ridge

Image Credit & Copyright: Mike Selby & Mark Hanson #APOD

@AstroAttorney Looks awesome! Is there a special workflow for stacking moon? It has never been my target yet, I guess something I would learn at some point.

Once icemagedon was over and sky became clear I've been chasing Green Comet aka C/2022 E3 ZTF with 135mm lens, using charts assuming where it can be. On a second night I was able to get it on the edge of the frame of just 10 lights x 20sec sub-exposures, before clouds rolled in. It suppose to become clear tomorrow, I'll continue that quest hoping to get more as it comes close(visually) to star called Capella.

Sergey S. boosted

My Luminance version of the comet.
Very nice to shoot and to process (always painful in fact).

#astrophotography #opensource #freeastro #CometZTF

Sergey S. boosted

After bit of reading while back I was thinking about jumping on comet bandwagon and capture some lights, but weather just sucks, clouds has been covering us for a while, hopefully weather would make a 180 turn by Friday.

I thought to myself what if I try to reprocess data that I took during my first attempt. Here is what I've got. Same 5 lights that I took 6 month ago, same tools for processing, but 6 month later I actually knew what I was doing. Bottom line I missed MilkyWay core, only got a bit on the bottom left side on my picture.

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Here is my most recent attempt to capture M42. I could say that I am finally happy with this image, of course it was taken under Bortle 8 sky, that's the limitation. M42 shot with Canon EOS T3i, 135mm, F4, ISO 800, 20sec sub-exposures with total integration time 77min.

Decided to take couple short of M42 last night after my attempt to shoot M33 ended abruptly due to a roof top entering picture. So difference is really stark this is just 5 min of integration and you already see many details. So I am going to return back to my favorite target Orion for next session as it high enough and nicely located in my heavy light polluted area. M42 shot using Canon EOS T3i, 135mm, F4, ISO 800.

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