Duct tape is truly universal and very versatile tool. Formula 1 car with broken spoiler had been fixed by duct tape and was able to actually finish remaining 12 laps. Even though FIA may not appreciate that one.
Still last Sunday people went out on a protests all across the country using so called referendum as an excuse to gather in a single place and started chanting "No more war" and around 500 people were detained again. So my point that people of Belarus are in full support of Ukraine and condemn actions of illegitimate regime who collaborated with aggressor. Also 65% that dictator claims from referendum is an entirely fake count.
These days you can hear appeals to Belarusian people, however those aren't unfair. People of Belarus leaved under literal occupation by a illegitimate regime for last 2 years. Here are just few stats given that total population of Belarus is 9 millions: since 2020 there were 33k people detained, only about 100 got warnings, rest were jailed on a "short" sentences up to a few hundred days, 1832 people convicted for a longer often multiyear sentences, 1077 still political prisoners to date...
Amazing, Dallas in solidarity with Ukraine. Proud!
Science is fascinating, who thought that one day plastic can beat steel ... https://www.fastcompany.com/90718935/scientists-create-a-super-plastic-thats-two-times-stronger-than-steel
We've discovered that users in Kazakhstan can circumvent internet shutdowns and censorship by using a specific Tor bridge. Follow our user guide, get a bridge, and avoid shutdowns today and tomorrow. #keepiton
Interesting analysis or the root causes of today's inflation. https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/corporate-profits-drive-60-of-inflation
Came across documentary called "Inside Job", I have seen it while back. However this time part where they are talking about how financial industry corrupted economic science and became one of the factors in 2008 crisis received another meaning in context of COVID. There are many similarities with both of the industries and both crisises. How can you trust science when you can't be sure that it's not scewed towards particular outcome.
Few years ago, people were screaming about 1984, because president had no filter, however had no appetite for actions expressed in his speech, fast forward here we are in 2021 with different president, censorship and self-censorship at a full blast across all media platforms including social media, especially if you question establishment views, economy in a questionable state and future uncertain ...
There is a difference between capitalism and extortion. My kid attended swim meet and hosting team(ATAC) decided to extort parents for money, by publishing heat sheets within restricted area and not publishing meet on the meet mobile(paid app) like every other swim team does when hosting meets. So effectively parents were in the dark about heats and lanes their little swimmers compete in, and only way to get through was to buy printed version from them for $5 and more over they only accept cash.
I've been watching exchange between Senator and CDC representative. CDC can't get their stuff together to draw conclusion on either effectiveness or ineffectiveness of natural immunity, however they making a firm stand that people recovered from COVID-19 has go get vaccinated. Let me get it straight, CDC(funded by taxpayers) refuses to draw conclusion based on the data that they already have, yet they gadly pay pharma for vaccine doses. Isn't that seems strange?
Here is interesting tidbit, story from 2018 points out that majority of FDA budget comes from user fees. Even though author goes into explaining that they still block drugs that does not meet criteria, I think it will still influence their thinking and that that's the problem. Similar problem can be found with many scientific researches, they sponsored by pharma. So with recent FDA actions how can we ensure that those were taken with health in mind rather than money. https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnlamattina/2018/06/28/the-biopharmaceutical-industry-provides-75-of-the-fdas-drug-review-budget-is-this-a-problem/
It wasn't enough of the crisis in healthcare industry with COVID, our government decided to that it could take free choice away from people, now with vaccine mandates we are loosing nurses, who by the way fought hard on the front lines whole year and teachers, in order for few to appropriate those funds from the budget. Now we have 2 crisis's healthcare and educational. https://www.npr.org/2021/09/23/1039228806/nurses-are-in-short-supply-employers-worry-vaccine-mandate-could-make-it-worse
Что ещё можно сказать, когда в стране лица захватившие власть в свои руки с телеэкранов говорят, что им "не до законов", людям приходится защищаться всеми доступными методами. Когда в квартиру ломятся лица без опознавательных знаков человек взялся за оружие, потому что довели, он не знал, что ещё делать. Даже если представить, что они реально из структур, он понимал, что его и его жену может ждать, им же "не до законов" ... Жалко парня ...
People often scream on social media platforms follow the science, however same people fail to admit that they were wrong when new studies contradicts with message they are trying to deliver and worth of all when it's our country leaders who failed to follow science themselves while asking regular people to do it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2021/09/15/natural-immunity-vaccine-mandate/