My Geminids stats so far:

Living right outside of Boston, I saw more than I expected. I saw 7 between 1:30 & 2 am, at least 3 were in frame of my camera but nothing beats seeing it with your eyes.

Saw two more from 2-2:30 then I realized my toes were frozen.

Also got lucky videoing one with my phone! Will upload that soon!

Have you seen any?

#Geminids #astronomy #space #MeteorShower


@naz Lucky you, sounds like you had lot's of fun, we had lot's of clouds and that's all I saw. But well said, indeed, nothing beats seeing meteors with your own eyes.

@sergey Sorry for the clouds :( I usually don't get this lucky with meteor showers. I'm sifting through my pictures now. So far found 2 really nice ones and posted one.

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