I've been saying it out loud that supply chain attacks are the next big thing. You can ask me about what ethical audits are, if you are interested. Here is an example of several interconnected events tied to a single company SolarWinds https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/nearly-18000-solarwinds-customers.html
The inconvenient truth is that there is no such thing as a backdoor that only lets the good guys in. The EU's resolution on encryption, released yesterday, could result in a net decrease of everyone's privacy and security: https://protonmail.com/blog/eu-attack-on-encryption/
30 million downloads of LibreOffice in 2020 – and there are still a couple of weeks to go! Thanks to everyone who helped to spread the word, and encourage friends, family and colleagues to try our office suite: https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/libreoffice/
Jekyll if so much fun, thus far: Pagination only works on HTML files according to doc, moreover it only works on index.html based on my experience. Also make sure there is no permalink which will break it as well. More in documentation: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/pagination/
Deck Android 1.13.2 - 🎄Christmas release is here!
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I guess that's another case where customers lured to questionable benefits of some service instead of transparency how that service works. More so called smart devices people have in their houses less control they'll have over them and then ... https://www.slashgear.com/amazon-sidewalk-is-coming-and-not-everyone-will-be-happy-24648652/
Going to the rabbit hole ... sat down to write a new blog post, as a result decided to transfer my blog to a new platform. Been using Blogger platform for a while, and wondered if it can be easier to use, as a result stumbled upon combination of Jekyll and GitHub Pages. After a transfer my blog it going to be just a code on a GitHub that can be managed from console. Here is quick glimpse.
Some one wrote malware in Delphi, such an unusual choice, I bet it was quite large and slow. However it explains connections, Delphi and Pascal are the languages kids usually study at school in post soviet countries. https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/russian-apt28-hackers-using-covid-19-as.html
Malware to run alternative advertisement market? Are you serious? https://threatpost.com/adrozek-malware-fake-ads-30k-devices/162217/
Facebook has a lot of weight, but it kind of fishy when they uncovering state sponsored hackers conviniently in the place where they having problems with government. https://www.reuters.com/article/facebook-vietnam-cyber/facebook-tracks-oceanlotus-hackers-to-it-firm-in-vietnam-idUSKBN28L03Y
I guess MS Teams going through some growing pains, more users it has more often people will attempt to exploit it. https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/zero-click-wormable-rce-vulnerability.html
💜 TODAY! @ Dec 11, 18:00 UTC / 13:00 Eastern / 10:00 Pacific. Edward Snowden will host Tor’s third PrivChat, a fundraising livestream & conversation with human rights defenders + real-life Tor users Alison Macrina, Ramy Raoof, & Berhan Taye. #UseAMaskUseTor
📺 Set your reminder!
MySQL is one of the widely used database servers, and it looks like has been an interesting target for cyber criminal. This year pandemic has changed the way we live and in many areas those changes are permanent, so many companies were faced with attacks on their data assets. https://threatpost.com/please_read_me-ransomware-mysql-servers/162136/
Whether you will break some benemoth corporation into smaller piece or not that won't protect privacy of their users, those who are in behavioral advertisement business and want to exploit people can still do that just on a smaller scale, users have no other choice, but to run social network themselves. https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-ftc-antitrust-case-smoking-gun/
Breaking into to steal tools is an interesting approach, however I think most importantly bad guys were after information on how to avoid detection by those tools or how to protect their systems against those tools. https://www-nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.nytimes.com/2020/12/08/technology/fireeye-hacked-russians.amp.html
DuckDuckGo making a case for fair competition in mobile search, however there were some troubling notes in this article. I would say random order for search provider is a good start, but placing Goggle on the last screen is unfair to Google, I'd say stay random all the time. https://spreadprivacy.com/search-preference-menu-research/
I had to agree with author, advertising industry has gotten it wrong. https://adactio.com/journal/17658
Interesting approach, going after firmware, sounds like holy grail once you can embed something into firmware it can stay on the system even after full rebuild from scratch. https://threatpost.com/trickbot-returns-bootkit-functions/161873/
For developers who designing API here is good starting point. Remember it's just starting point there are way more items to think about especially on security side, as article only "touched" on that subject. https://stackoverflow.blog/2020/03/02/best-practices-for-rest-api-design/
Interesting writing about vulnerability in iOS devices ... I guess conclusion it's better to avoid proprietary protocols. https://thehackernews.com/2020/12/google-hacker-details-zero-click.html
Experienced technology entrepreneur on the quest for ethics and privacy. Follow #punkprivacy tag to get regular privacy tips. You can also follow @ethiork account to get information about progress of Ethiork project that enables people to own their data and protect their privacy.