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I am stunned how many organizations "misuse" cybesecurity insurance. While it make sense from a business perspective, I think that's where ethics should outweigh purely calculative approach. Any insurance is designed to restore what is broken, in a way rebuilt to it's original state. However with any data breach nothing was broken, it's unauthorized people have seen information that should not have been seen. You can not undo that, there is no way you can put genie back!

It's well known that the goal of any company is to maximize shareholders return. That includes technology companies, who offer so-called "free" SaaS products. In fact the fermium model has become a favorite business model in Silicon Valley. What do you think is going to happen when implementation of security controls to protect your data outweigh the cost of cyber security insurance that will cover damages of data breach. Your data means nothing to them! Gain data sovereignty with

Make no mistake, data is gold for any tech company that sells their customers in packages, it's just a question not much that tech company can obfuscate their data collection practices.

I am starting to wonder, it looks like censorship to me, or LinkedIn deliberately hiding my post from my network. Here is the story: I've appeared on podcast and as a normal person shared it(post from podcast page) with my network. It's not an automated scheduled post, I shared it manually through LinkedIn interface. After 5 days it had low number of views. So I posted posted screenshot of my Mastodon post to LinkedIn and in 5 hours it generated more views that original post in 5 days. Weird...

I've been honored to appear on 808 Podcast and had a blast talking with Bob Clark about privacy and steps people could take to protect their it in today's world. Here you can watch an episode on their web site

REMEMBER: Cyber-security insurance is not your cyber-security tool, it won't help you prevent incident or reduce risks it's just something that might make mess clean-out cheaper.

There is only one way for creators to avoid any attempts to de-platform by some tech giants or demands of "ransom" by other tech giants - that is to assume full digital sovereignty.

@omgubuntu Rectangles are impractical, what that "white" space above logo is for, but logo itself looks better in my opinion.

@martijnbraam well Lenovo already made bunch of phones, even before they bought Motorola, but indeed they need to make ThinkPhone

@aral it's not a surprise, it's in a statue of any corporation to benefit shareholders, there are social benefit corporations though and then there is an open source movement.

Privacy is a human right, people may choose not to exercise this right every time, but that doesn't mean that people ever meant to forgo this right, like many corporations trying to make everyone think.

I have been saying for a while that pixelation of the text is flawed and here is confirmation that recently emerged.

@kev I would suggest it's all about those socioeconomic changes around the world, looks like fabric of our society changes and those changes aren't good ones, which brings all that stress. Stop the world I want to get off type of feeling.

Sometimes you come across interesting facts. Word "pseudo" has pronunciation of "soodo" which is very similar to famous Linux command sudo. So my guess command sudo came from word pseudo which make sense.

@kev Based on your results latency is what going to ruin your experience if you do while 56 to 27 is almost 100% improvement in a grand schema of things it's not that better. You just need to change your Fibre connection to optical fiber connection and you'll be set.

We've discovered that users in Kazakhstan can circumvent internet shutdowns and censorship by using a specific Tor bridge. Follow our user guide, get a bridge, and avoid shutdowns today and tomorrow. #keepiton

I hope by now everyone knows what Log4j is and how dangerous it could be given 10 points on CVE score. Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center published guidance where they observer toolkits being updated with exploits for Log4j. Also FTC issues statement to go after companies who failed to remediate Log4j it's getting very serious folks.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!