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Good news, finally FTC - government agency tasked with regulating privacy taking note of questionable practices that Epic Games took in handling customer's privacy especially children's privacy. I think it's long overdue all or nothing privacy agreements are bad for society.

Episode 92 of The Hacker Factory Podcast featuring @praetorianlabs founder and CEO Nathan Sportsman has dropped! @ITSPmagazine

Despite so many people were posting here and other on other social media about Twitter, I've never commented as there were no substance for such comments. However most recent blockages of accounts including Mastodon's account, is just nonsense. I totally get what he is trying to pose was a reason, but then why he has not blocked FlightRadar24 account where exactly the same information about his jet is available, besides reasons were made-up yesterday just to create a reason.

AI's aren't sentient. They can't "steal."

Programmers and institutions select the data with which to train the model. They take art and writing from artists and authors without credit or payment. The software then remixes and mimics what it is given.

Displacing agency by attributing intent to the AI is exactly how people and institutions erase human action in the creation of technology. It also leads to further perceptions of technology as acultural, unbiased, and, in essence, magical.

Liberty is the key component of that contract we call USA, yet in money handling/processing space there is no liberty. Because it's heavily regulated cost of entry in that space is enormous, and when you see one of the behemoth goes against first amendment it is sickening. Allegedly they published that policy in an error, they say. So what's next? De-banking people?

Computers have no imagination, some people may argue that neural networks is technically simulate same process, but it's not the same. Computers, and AI in that regard are incapable of day dreaming and that is what imagination is, just unprovoked thoughts of imagining one self in some experience that one never been in.

The first Mark IIs have officially shipped! More on their way each day! The future of privacy-respecting AI is here.

#Mycroft #MarkII #privacy #notsnoopin #opensource

VPN is a tool to establish secure communication channel between parties and does not guarantee your privacy. Metadata is a king when it comes to privacy, for example let's say you shared some file online (image, video or anything else). Now some 3-rd party can connect dots using file size, time stamp of that post and other publicly available info as long as it's possible to single out IP that transmitted that amount at that time. Internet remembers everything.

TIP: Delete advertisement ID from your smartphone: AdID for Android and IDFA for Apple. You can find related settings under Privacy section of your respective smartphone's Settings app. Delete such ID, Opt Out, Disable personalization, words might be different based on version of your OS, but apply what is available to you.

I am excited to announce that I will be speaking at Cybersecurity Conference by North Texas ISSA

@kyle I believe that's only happening on the phones that were purchased through the plan, typically the best thing to do is to buy an unlocked phone outright, that's not as free as buying Librem, but at least you would be able to factory reset it.

As long as the code behind "smart" home devices is proprietary, these companies are free to spy on us as much as they like. Help us fight back: tell your friends about free software and urge then to join the FSF! Support #FreeSoftware.

TIP: Review your phone weekly and uninstall any software that is currently not in use. Typically software asks for many permissions and you'd have to grant those if you'd like to use service, however once you done with occasional services, like Uber, Airbnb and so on, uninstall software to prevent it from invading your privacy until next time.

Bad design choices: say you are in a room that has light at the ceiling and you are a person who doesn't look down at the phone screen, instead you bring it up and look straight, then adaptive brightness dim screen down because there is just a very tiny amount of light getting on that sensor ... I guess it's time to put that phone down.

There is a stark difference between theory and reality, for instance in theory move from DoD from this article was suppose to improve security, indeed way too many software vendors have no idea what do they put into their product, what SDK they use and so on, in fact those vendors need to be held accountable, however at the end government will get worse of both worlds.

I've been wondering why we aren't hearing about self-driving freight trains, there are so many startups trying to solve a problem of self-driving cars, but the problem of freight trains is easier to solve, just control speed. Is there a conspiracy out there? Yes I have seen a few drops of the news here and there, but that's something that can be built right now and it doesn't have any coverage in the media.

TIP: Any internet request starts with DNS and you might be profiled by DNS server provider, so choose your wisely! Get it under your control: replace default DNS service from your ISP and try avoiding companies that supply other services to you. Better run it yourself.

TIP: Divide and conquer or more business friendly separation of duties is very applicable to privacy, if you are using particular mobile phone vendor, just do not use web browser that was made by a same company. If you are using some web service(like free email) try to use tools(browsers, mobile devices) made by a different company to access that service. Less connection particular corporate entity could make off of your data harder for them to profile you.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!