OS installation on a brand new hardware 2000 vs 2024:
- Windows - you spend 30 min going through setup wizard
- Linux - you spend a day looking for drivers and compiling kernel and eventually quit and install Windows
- Windows - you spend a day looking for proper NVME drivers and eventually quit and install Linux
- Linux - you spend 15 min going through setup wizard

Attack on privacy is often hidden behind some noble purpose, some purpose where public, in theory, would "buy-in" on being tracked. So here is an example where data broker touting themselves as helping law enforcement to collate information they collect off of mobile phones, but all in all what that is if not a surveillance. arstechnica.com/information-te

Forrester's latest Wave report on Secure Communications Solutions evaluates the 12 top providers, including Element 🙌

We received the highest scores in six criteria: performance and resilience; innovation; post-quantum cryptography; customisation; assurance; and scalability.

Available now, download the report! try.element.io/forrester-wave-

In Forrester’s own words…

Are you still pixelating your images? Please don't! This is a reminder why! Post has been written in 2022 and "old news", however think about how far technology has gone in last 2 years. thehackernews.com/2022/02/this

That's a really awesome development, It looks like Swiss folks understand that open source would better fit governmental needs, at the end of the day when code is out there you at least can inspect it and take countermeasures if necessary. zdnet.com/article/switzerland-

Ah yes, the privacy browser™ is now sending your location to AccuWeather every 30 minutes by default.

Edit: According to their support page it's proxied through Mozilla services. digipres.club/@ryanfb/11312533

Has been quite a while since I heard a good thing coming from Mozilla.

#lastrt #mozilla #firefox #accuweather

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