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Massive surveillance carries no public good what so ever. It just allows government to spend millions of dollars on technology that can't help with crime prevention, because it has never been designed for such mission. China is an example of what government could do when it's not constrained by people, I don't want to live in country like that. Privacy is a human right.

So there is precident when FTC required from company who misused users data to train facial recognition models to delete those as a part of the settlement. Why G and FB of the worlds were never required to delete algorithms they derived from misused data?

Some sad news, PinePhone looked like a really good contender, which eventually could become phone that respects users privacy and runs on Open Source software, well as many good things everything comes to an end. However I am hopeful about what future holds. Let's see.

Never liked Spotify tried multiple times, and some how it never felt home, always going back to Pandora or local music. Now they want to track what? No thank you.

When it comes to health related apps, think twice before you enter any of your data, whether it's fitness tracker or something more intimate. One way or another your data could end up in wrong hands, through hacks, data leaks or just because they partner with some one like FB to sell it. When you are not paying for product you are the product.

Looks like Flutter is getting more attention, since the very beginning it looked like solid cross-platform alternative. Given that Flutter is also first class on Android and iOS it looks way better than Electron which is desktop only. Essentially with Flutter you can achieve true convergence between mobile and desktop platforms.

Oooh I completely forgot that #Fosdem is this weekend!! 🥳🥳🎉 #fosdem21

Diving into the schedule today:

I guess Amazon want to become FB of the real world retail, track you everywhere you go. Any type of biometric device has serious implications on a privacy side. Surveillance capitalism at it's best. It's not about making things more convenient to you it's about ability to sell you more. No thank you.

I've previously shared about Google removing Element app from the store, they already restored it. Now this is opposite example, same Google deliberately removed reviews from angry users who were deceived on what they can do within this app. What that is if not corruption ...

Unfortunately it looks like Google is squeezing open source products that doesn't share tracking information with them or does not even track people off the market. Sad story if you are still using Chromium time to upgrade.

Here we go again, Google just censored another app and removed it from PlayStore. This time it's Element, well known communication app for Matrix servers. App has nothing to do with Matrix servers and content on those servers, it's just a gateway for users to communicate on particular server. It's a messenger app with no infrastructure of it's own, thus Google used of their monopolistic position against app they don't like. Time to

Tracking people is a large industry with it's own economy, it's past due to take control back in all we do.

You bought your way into Apple universe. Are you still under impression that something you paid big money for is yours, read this article then.

The best way to stop Instagram from tracking you is to stop using it. Read this article to see how can you clear some data and they also have a link that you can use if you want to delete your account.

Today is very sad one, recent events showed us that on those free or even paid platforms you can not be truly private or free. They will immediately censor you, block you, deprive you of functionality once your opinion is not aligned with opinion of their investors. The only way to be free is to have a full control of a platform and I am on personal mission to make it available for non tech people. This where you can find uncensored me, forever

So when moneybags or should I call them "accredited investors" using media to manipulate stocks and wipe out real people savings back in 2008 and then they receive bailouts from representatives they help get elected it's all fine and legal, fast forward 2021 ... moneybags manipulating stocks again and ordinary people stand up to them and now media crying that standing up is illegal, give me a break! (This is not investment advise)

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