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After reading stories like one below I really want to build my own search engine which won't create informational bubble around me and let me find information based on pure search terms, regardless of behavior, location and so on. I don't want personalized experience! Tell that to Google, Facebook and Twitter of the world!

Found this really nice article, given my FB use, I think this is the journey I'll embark on next. Нашел интерестную статью, так как почти не пользуюсь фэйсбуком буду потихоньку брать все это на вооружение.

Snitching on Phones That Snitch On You

"Our phones are our most personal computers, and the most vulnerable to privacy abuses."

#privacy #freedom #librem5

@ozmik While all of that is true, Librem5 is more or less finalized product that is being sold, where PinePhone is still a prototype, as far as I recall in a beta right now without any clear plans to actually launch it as a product and it is also cost 4 times less than Librem5. I respect what both companies are doing let's cherish those efforts and investments rather than diminish other guy, otherwise we will be stuck to spying devices in our pockets.

Useful tip: if you want to install PHP package in Ubuntu without Apache server package you have to install php-cgi first and then install php package. Apparently this order won't trigger any depending on Apache and thus won't install it.

@kev I just like the guy at the front of the screen who just runs through avoiding any conflicts :) he'll definitely stab opposing parties(pieces of the code) later on

@totoroot while I have not used WordPress lately(in last 5 years) I have heard few good things about Yoast plugin. They use "freemium" model so some features are free, others paid.

I had previously posted about my new project, yesterday I sat down to write an article with detailed explanation as to why it was important for me to create this piece of software, let me know if that article resonates with you and of course ping me if you have any issues with MyNewsGenerator project :). Here is blog article to read

After Fox had an extensive coverage of royal family from UK, with big pharma ads on full display, Brits started asking same question I've been asking for years: "Why would you tell your doc about drugs, who is trained professional in healthcare in such dialogue?" Big pharma became a money making machine rather than business that suppose to take care of people by developing new medicine. Now with COVID vaccine same companies made a vaccine and making billions selling it. Can we really trust them?

Opt-in vs Opt-out debate. Today you are the actual product of all of the services you signed up for, they collect whatever they can and then share it with advertisers, you order a pizza from a chain guess what they'll sell such information it's their part of the deal to use ordering system for free ... privacy is a right every data collection must be opt-in

After a cleanup I just open sourced project that periodically generates mobi file based on list of RSS feeds. In other words that is daily news generator for kindle device. All you need is just to move file to your kindle. There is going to be a simpler way in future versions.

Dear Mastodon, we're ~60 followers away from 12K! Can you help us get there?

Help by spreading the word that:

🔵 Privacy is a human right.

🔵 Tracking & surveillance are widespread on the internet.

🔵 Tor is a nonprofit that can help you take back your privacy online.

@silverhax Code reviews work both ways, usually more experienced person shares his/her expertise, however less experienced person can share general ideas or principles and it's a task to more experienced turn those gem-like ideas into real code. It's only draining when less experienced person does not want to think outside of the box, and just want to write a code.

OnionShare 2.3 had a few bugs including anonymous chat mode was broken 😭 but don't worry, we just released OnionShare 2.3.1 and it fixes all of that!

Get it at

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It's quite typical hypocrisy when Silicon Valley ignore reality and media writes a story about their supposed "innovative" approach. Truth is such decentralized version of Twitter like social network exist today, and users are in charge of everything on that network not some overarching authority. It's called Mastodon and you are reading post on that network right now.

It looks like product managers from LastPass forgotten about Evetnote failure, long time ago Evernote attempted to do similar things and miserably failed to explain themselves, buy some popcorn it's going to be fun.

I've been honored to participate in ShortArm Solutions Inc, Cyber Pro Podcast and talk about cyber security and human factor. Here is the link:

Privacy is our constitutional right, forth amendment says it all, unfortunately there were no computers back then and as such it does not explicitly mention web, however if it has been written today I think it would have been extended to world wide web, but big shots from Silicon Valley think that they can use our pictures without our consent and train facial recognition models on those.

I have always said that supply chain attacks would bring havock to software companies. However it can be simplified with open source and great level of due diligence. When you have access to source you don't have to blindly trust your vendors security testing you can actually conduct your own. But most vendors think that source code can't be shared, it's their IP ... So results are clear.

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!